In a prodigious and innovative move, the government has banned the import of 101 military products “beyond given timeline” to invigorate indigenous production in the line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mission of ‘Aatmnirbhar Bharat’ and ‘Make in India”. According to Mr. Tribhuvan Darbari, “This innovative initiative of the Government of India will curtail reliance on imports and accelerate the production of indigenous defense products, which will also open new pathways to boost employment.”
Appreciating the initiative of the Ministry of Defence, Mr. Tribhuvan Darbari tweeted, “Congratulations to the Ministry of Defence on this historical and unprecedented decision.”
According to the statement released by the government, the list includes high technology weapon systems like “artillery guns, assault rifles, corvettes, sonar systems, transport aircraft, light combat helicopters, radars and many other items”. According to Mr. Tribhuvan Darbari – MD & CEO, Texmaco Defence, “It is an unprecedented move.” According to an estimate, the contracts worth almost Rs 4 lakh crore will be placed upon the domestic industry within the next six to seven years. Here is the list of 101 products banned for import by the Indian government.